Message from the Chairman
It has been dream, to educate and update each and every individual in rural India with the latest technology
It has been my dream, to educate and update each and every individual in rural India with the latest technology, so that they can become valued assets in the Indian Economy.
We are committed to give Quality Education to the students, for this we are also creating alliances with other organizations and bodies for various Courses, so that we may offer a wide spectrum of courses.
On behalf of the entire management I assure all the students and well-wishers that infrastructure, academic environment, human resources, professional teaching skills and learning process will be maintained with your active participation, and this institute will continue to progress in coming years too.
Dr. Harcharan Singh Sekhon
Chairman - Rajiv Gandhi Management and Technology Institute
Why Study with us?
Our Mission & Vision
With its foundation in technology, the sciences and professional practice, We advances the discovery and application of knowledge that accelerates economic growth, regional development and social innovation and inspires graduates who will continue to make an impact on the world, as it is and as it will be.